AI Act and Standards (work in progress)

The ongoing work “Mapping International Standards and AI Act” was proposed by UNI TC 533 to CEN/CENELEC JTC21 (3 May, N632), with acknowledgement from the UK (20 May, N667) and presented during the plenary at the University of Bath (3-6 June, N691).

On the basis of these premises, the UNI TC 533 technical committee, with the hosting support of the association, has started this work, also agreed with UNINFO, with a view to sharing the results with the other UNI TCs, the JTC21 WGs (Working Groups) and stakeholders.

The European Regulation AI Act sets out rules on artificial intelligence to promote the adoption of human-centric and trustworthy AI, while ensuring the protection of health, safety, fundamental rights, including democracy, environmental protection, and innovation.

Existing Standards developed for scientific purposes by standardization organizations, such as ISO, can help to support the application of the Union laws in terms of quality of processes, products, data and services.

In general, a single standard is not adequate to cover all requirements of an AI Act article and does not contain all the aspects needed for SR Standardization Requests. The integrations of AI Act and Standards are an opportunity to create harmonized legislative and technical documents to support the development and maintenance of AI systems. 

ai act standards

Following the legislative principles of the EU AI Act, it is also possible to apply its implicit capability of categorization of existing standards. Where possible, standards can be connected to the articles of AI Act, based on the commonality of terms syntactically used in both texts.

This work in progress aims to give a comparative view among the contents of the AI Act articles and the standards, possibly facilitating the considerations for new proposals concerning harmonized EN standards. Furthermore, the applied method helps to find an alignment of terminology.

It is understood that what is reported in the AI Act, including aspects of directly related standards, is mandatory, while what is complementary in specific additional contents of standards, is voluntary.

The most common problem when comparing texts is the frequent use of synonyms or the same terms with divergent meanings. To avoid this, the classification criteria are considering the experience of the standardizers and the language of people working in different committees and organizations. The distinction between the domains of governance, management, process, and product or services is also essential.

Another critical issue is the specificity of the combinations and the complementarity of some qualitative characteristics considered. With these limitations and promoting new AI solutions, readers can have a structured overview of the situation and gain cognitive benefits in standardization, research, learning and teaching.

The data presented have a value for research and not a legal value.(work in progress)

work in progress

AI Act: 113 Articles – 180 Whereas – 13 Annexes
53 Standards
348 Mapped Terms
SEE the list of TERMS and STANDARDS

___________ link __________

16 September 2024

Terms among interrelated phases of production

AI-KET Artificial Intelligence – Knowledge Engineering Toolset â€“ 5 September August 2024.

AI-KET Artificial Intelligence: Schema of the tool

Task group UNI CT 533 


Historical series previous updates

12 September 2024

10 September 2024

31 August 2024

  • 1) AI Act (pdf) Under review – 113 Articles AI Act
    • 1a) Simplified list of Articles Under review
  • 2) Standard (pdf) Under review – 53 Standards
    • 2a) Simplified list of Standards Under review
  • 3) Mapping by terms (pdf) Under review – 6 Unmatched terms
    • 3a) Simplified list of Terms in 113 Article AI Acts (Syntactic) Under review
  • 4) Terminology (pdf) Under review – 340 Terms

28 August 2024

26 August 2024

25 August 2024

19 August 2024

09 August 2024

07 August 2024

06 August 2024

05 August 2024

04 August 2024

31 July 2024

28 July 2024

24 July 2024

22 July 2024